Short Courses
Public entrepreneurship is an alternative, inventive approach for leading change in public realms. This course is designed for future private entrepreneurs and public leaders who want to build new ventures operating in, or selling into, traditionally public domains. Throughout the last few years, we have seen a wave of new public entrepreneurs start companies that eventually sell to government institutions, or directly to citizens, and a growing interest in these companies by ventures funds and other investors.
Mini MBA Certificate
20 Credits
8 -12 Weeks
Level 6
8-10 hours weekly
8th September, 2020
Level 1: £950 (6 Modules)
Level 2: £1,750 (12 Modules)
This course provides students with a logistical and flexible framework to build upon their organisation’s existing documentation and reporting systems. Processes to complete social accounting and auditing will also be developed as part of this course, to further understand the impact of your organisation on society at large, as well as help you better understand how resources are being utilised. It is essentially aimed at helping students manage their organisation and improve its effectiveness. Social accounting and audit can be used by any organisation, whether voluntary, public, or private, and at any size or scale. Our Social Accounting & Audit programme will help to prove, improve, and account for the difference an organisation is making, helping leaders to plan and manage their organisation, as well as demonstrate what the organisation has achieved.
New innovations that draw upon LSSE’s latest research, thought leadership, multidisciplinary insights, and extensive experience in working with global organisations.
Choose an online-based education that fits your needs and lifestyle, so you can meet weekly milestones.
A results-focus that aims to convert new learning into new action, growth and change.
The primary objective of this course is to address how to measure social value and the impact. Students will thoroughly analyse distinctive hypothetical ways of measuring social value, and the metrics appropriate for measuring impact. Students will learn how to consider the triple bottom line and commit their organisation to focus on social and environmental concerns, while simultaneously driving value and profits. Interest in social impact measurement and SROI (Social Return on Investment) is growing. Governments, foundations, and impact investors are raising the bar and asking for better evaluation and impact data.
This course is accredited and, to be awarded credit, you must satisfactorily complete written components. Successful students will receive credit, awarded by the Board of Studies of London School of Social Enterprise and Sustainable Economics and International Affiliates. The award will be presented in the form of Advanced Certificate. Exceptional students will be recognised.
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