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Mission and Core Values of
LSSE and Sustainable Economics

At the London School of Social Enterprise and Sustainable Economics (LSSE), our commitment to excellence and innovation in education is unwavering. Our guiding principles and policies are designed to ensure a dynamic and inclusive learning environment for all members of our community. LSSE's Policy Statement outlines our core values and the principles that steer our institution towards continuous improvement and success.

Our Mission
LSSE is dedicated to providing a transformative educational experience that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to address pressing societal and environmental challenges. We are resolute in our mission to nurture responsible leaders, social entrepreneurs, and sustainability advocates who will contribute positively to society and the planet.

Core Values

  • Academic Excellence: We uphold rigorous academic standards, fostering an environment that encourages intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and innovation. Our programs are designed to challenge and inspire students.

  • Inclusivity: LSSE values diversity and inclusion. We are committed to creating a community where individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives can thrive and contribute to a rich learning experience.
  • Sustainability: We champion sustainable practices, not only in our curriculum but also in our operations. Our institution is dedicated to minimizing its environmental footprint and promoting sustainability in all aspects.
  • Ethical Leadership: LSSE instills in its students the importance of ethical leadership and social responsibility. We encourage ethical decision-making and respect for ethical norms.
  • Engagement: LSSE actively engages with local and global communities. We promote active involvement, partnerships, and collaborations to address real-world challenges.

Educational Approach
Our educational approach aligns with our mission and values, emphasizing experiential learning, multidisciplinary study, and a global perspective. We believe that by preparing our students with a holistic understanding of sustainability and social entrepreneurship, we equip them to make a significant impact in their careers.

Student Commitment
LSSE students are expected to commit to the highest academic and ethical standards. They are encouraged to engage actively in their educational journey, seek knowledge beyond the classroom, and strive for personal and professional growth.

Institutional Governance
LSSE is governed by a board of trustees and operates under the guidance of our leadership team. We adhere to transparent and accountable governance practices to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of our institution.

Quality Assurance
LSSE maintains rigorous quality assurance processes to continuously improve the quality of our programs, research, and services. We seek feedback from students, faculty, and stakeholders to drive enhancements.



At the London School of Social Enterprise and Sustainable Economics, our Policy Statement reflects our unwavering dedication to academic excellence, social responsibility, and sustainability. We are committed to nurturing a learning community that empowers students to address complex societal and environmental challenges with innovative solutions and ethical leadership. Our policies and principles align with our mission, values, and the aspirations of our students and the wider community we serve.