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Academic Partnerships

We have partnerships with academic institutions all over the world.

We Collaborate with partner to offers high-quality programmes in the UK and abroad.

We have partnership in locations including

How can you collaborate with us

Through our engagement with partners, we aim to create high quality and innovative collaborations at institutional and individual levels. Here are some examples of how we're trying to achieve this.


Exchange partnerships allow partner students to undertake part of their programme with LSSE.


Progression partnerships allow students to come to LSSE to obtain master’s degree after they complete a certain amount of credits at the partner institution.

Collaborative Provision

Collaborative provision partnerships allow students to obtain a LSSE degree studying at a partnering institution within the UK and European Union.

Transnational Education

Through transnational education partnerships, students can obtain a LSSE degree studying at a partner in a foreign country. This includes distance learning and dual degree partnerships.

Contact Us

If you’re from an academic institution and would like to find out more about partnering with us, our team would love to hear from you.